This type of cover provides you with a regular monthly income if you are unable to work because of accident or illness. It replaces up to 75% of your monthly income from 8, 13, 26 or 52 weeks after an accident or illness. The main advantage of income protection is that it gives you a regular income for as long as it takes you to get back to work.
Your income is arguably your most important asset. You rely on it to fund everything from what’s in your fridge to where you go on holiday.
If illness strikes, and you are unable to work, income protection can:
- Provide income for everyday living.
- Ensure you continue to meet your monthly outgoings, e.g., mortgage repayments and household bills.
- Help you maintain your current standard of living.
Self-employed workers are not entitled to the State Illness Benefit.
Customer Service Commitment:
We are committed to providing the highest levels of customer service to our clients.
We work in partnership with our clients to ensure they have the appropriate insurance cover from the best providers, at the best price available on the market. In the event of a claim, we will guide you through the claims process and effectively manage the claim on your behalf, taking away the burden and stress of claims handling for you.
To find out how we can help with your specific insurance needs, contact us on 057-8688888 or email us at and well get back to you.